George Global Studies School Home

Welcome to the George School!

The George School has everything to offer - the latest technology, large classrooms, dual language programs, and all the amenities of a 21st century school, such as art, music rooms and a beautiful library.

Upcoming Events

Vaccine Clinic

Time: 2:30 PM – 6 PM
Location: Brockton High School

Vaccine Clinic

Time: 2:30 PM – 6 PM
Location: Brockton High School

Principal's Message

apple on books
Dear Parents and Families,
The George School has everything to offer - the latest technology, large classrooms, dual language programs, and all the amenities of a 21st century school, such as art, music rooms and a beautiful library. The staff at our school is made up of very experienced, dedicated and enthusiastic professionals. Together, we look forward to building positive relationships with everyone in our school community and continuing the district’s mission of instructional excellence for every student, every day.
At the George School, we recognize parents as their child’s first teacher. With this in mind, we invite you to partner with us and be a participant in your child’s education. We have an active PTA and offer many parent-child activities throughout the year. We welcome you to become involved and share a love of learning with your child.
We look forward to an exciting and rewarding year with your child!
Natalie L. Pohl

Recent News

Welcome to the New Brockton Public Schools Website!

Welcome to the Brockton Public Schools' brand new website, which we've designed to be easier to navigate than ever before! To help you learn your way around, we've prepared multilingual walkthroughs to click through at your convenience, as well as a video walkthrough created by advanced media and TV students from BHS.
George School logo

George School Earns Safe & Supportive Trauma-Sensitive School Award

The Brockton Public Schools are excited to announce that the Lesley University Institute for Trauma Sensitivity (LIfTS), at the Center for Inclusive and Special Education, has awarded the Manthala George, Jr. Global Studies School in Brockton the Safe and Supportive Trauma Sensitive School Award.